"Heather Acomb and Courtney World's Between States (2014) is done by Kathy Diehl and World in brown ruffled overalls, one short, one long, like construction workers playing Lincoln logs or Jenga with themselves as the pieces." 

                                             -Irene Hsiao, irenechsiao.wordpress.com (2016)


"World's new trio "Recurrent" featured Noni Hill (C'16), Ashlin Ondrusek (C'19), and Fridien Tchoukoua (C'16) [sic], all three experienced dancers who demonstrated amazing grace, strength, and control. Through their movements and facial expressions, they managed to convey a heart wrenching sense of fear and urgency to the audience."

-Frances Marion Givhan, The Sewanee Purple (2015)


"Together was danced beautifully by Heather Roffe (Faculty, Nazareth College) and CourtneyWorld (Faculty, The University of The South). The dancers, who were literally attached to each other the entire piece, explored virtuosic and dynamic movements while keeping at least one hand in the other’s pocket. This was no easy feat, but both dancers were strong, focused and articulate in their bodies and it made for an absolutely breath-taking performance of complexity. Perhaps one of the strongest pieces of the whole program, Together was choreographed by Daniel Gwirtzman, whose repertory is known for a range of moods and styles. Daniel Gwirtzman Dance Company collaborates with the NYC Department of Education and college dance departments around the country. The clarity in his choreography was not only pleasing to watch, but complex to consider as well."

-Allison E. Bohman, Attitude Magazine (2015)


"Several of the pieces - especially "Trapped at Tea," choreographed by Compisi and Baldwin, and "Borderline," choreographed by World - operated at almost frantic levels..."Borderline" was even more tumultuous. Performed by Laura M. Regna, I'm guessing the piece is about the horrific pushing and pulling you must experience if you have borderline personality disorder. Regna moved as if possessed, flailing her limbs and jerking backwards and forwards in a somewhat-marionette fashion. Regna is a lovely dancer and was able to maintain clean lines and a strong flow of movement in spite of the manic energy trying to control her."

-Casey Carlson, City Newspaper (Rochester, NY 2014)